Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

All I have is Christ

I once was lost in darkest night
Yet thought I knew the way
The sin that promised joy and life
Had led me to the grave
I had no hope that You would own
A rebel to Your will
And if You had not loved me first
I would refuse You still

But as I ran my hell-bound race
Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state
And led me to the cross
And I beheld God’s love displayed
You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me
Now all I know is grace

Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life

Now, Lord, I would be Yours alone
And live so all might see
The strength to follow Your commands
Could never come from me
Oh Father, use my ransomed life
In any way You choose
And let my song forever be
My only boast is You

© 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI), by Jordan Kauflin

What an incredible song! The one line from it, "Oh Father, use my ransomed life, In any way You choose" is a verse that is quite humbling if you think about it. How many times do we sing it or pray it and really don't mean it. But if you do, do you know what you are saying? You are saying that 'I give up my passions, desires, and things for Your will.' Now that's some serious verbiage and commitment. That's what He wants. That's what He desires. That we, His ransomed, recognize His control over our lives and that we should constantly put our selfishness aside for His glory. Something to think about.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wonderful Wife and now Mother

Amy's been such a wonderful wife and now it's such a blessing to see Amy being an incredible mother. She and Evangelyne are so adorable together! I love them both so, so much. Leave a message/comment encouraging Amy. Thanks.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Jesus Storybook Bible

I've been reading this to Evangelyne since she was in her mother's womb. We have our daddy-daughter time just about every day when we pray, sing or read through a story from this Bible. It's a great and uplifting time for each other!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fun with Evangelyne

Daddy and Mommy's little princess... we enjoy her greatly!
All her movements and facial expressions and noises are so fun to see-
we adore her and love just staring at her and interacting with her.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What a little lady!

Evangelyne continues to be awake a lot of the day- she got to be outside for 2 strolls today with her Grandma Fanus. She loves the outdoors and is just so alert, taking everything in.
She only went through 2 outfits today...not bad. :) Her eyes now seem to focus much better, which we're glad for but miss her funny cross-eyed looks. :)
She loves to stretch out and almost always has her legs crossed- she is a precious, sweet little lady! :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

We got fun and games!
-lyrics by G'N'R

Monday, March 22, 2010

One Happy Uncle

Uncle Jef and his girlfriend Lauren visit Evangelyne!

Two Week Stats

Her two week check-up stats:
length 21 in. -75% tile
weight 7 lbs. 10 oz. -25-50% tile
head circumference 14.75 in. -90% tile

Sunday, March 21, 2010


It's great seeing both mommy and baby Evangelyne getting a chance to take a nap Sunday afternoon. Each one needs each other during the week and each one needs to be refreshed by a time apart in dreamland. It's an incredible thing that such a small person can take so much of ones' time and energy. I know that God made it that way, in order for us love our daughter more and to rely on Him even more. Thank heaven for naptime!

Her 1st Church Service

What a wonderful spectacle, our family unit off to church for the first time with Evangelyne!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Her Mother's Ears

Eva has her mother's earlobes!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day ?...I lost track;0)

Aunt Kristin enjoying baby Evangelyne!

Teaching the Bible

When you're teaching the Bible, take this advice, “The Bible is not about ‘them’ and ‘then,’ but ‘us’ and ‘now.’”

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Book Recommendation

We're reading "Instructing a Child's Heart" by Tedd and Margy Tripp, even though our daughter is only a newborn. We see that it's so important to be prepared to shape our child's heart and mind, along with the power of the Holy Spirit, to instruct and parent our child before she's at that age. We already see her learning and establishing habits, good and bad, so why not stay ahead of the "game". The verse in James, "You do not have, because you do not ask" challenges us to pray and ask God for a child who is obedient, who loves learning from the Word, and who will be redeemed at an early age, Lord willing. Once again, we are reminded that, "Scripture is our history. Creation, Fall, and Redemption are the context for understanding life."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

1 week down, a lifetime to go!

We are LOVING being parents!! It has been such a fun week just beginning to get to know our new family addition- she is so intricate and amazing to watch and learn about. She is beautifully and wonderfully made (Ps 139)! Recent changes - she's already lost her umbilical cord and can lift her head off my shoulder and turn her face the other way (she's so strong)! We are definitely proud parents and enjoying every moment with her...even at 3am. :)

Day 7, Praise the Lord!

Tim's Blog

Remember to check out!

One Week Stats

Her last check-up stats:
length 20.5 in. -90% tile
weight 6 lbs. 10 oz. -25% tile
head circumference 14 in. -75% tile

I guess this is all good...?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 6, Mommy and Daddy Time


We should have named her, Cutie!

The Dilemma

I don't know which one is the cutest:
1. Her little sneezes,
2. Her yawns, or
3. Her snorts.
She's just so adorable!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Grandmom x2

Here we have Grandmom Fanus and Lolly (aka- Grandmom Morris) enjoying their new grand-daughter on the day of her birth. What a wonderful sight to behold!

Day 3, The Late Greats Visit

Today, Evangelyne's great grandmother Morris visits as well as Pop, her grandfather. What a great time we had, even if it was just for a few hours. Eva was awake for the entire time and just took it all in. Thanks for coming.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 2, Rays of Sunshine

Rays of sunshine meet Evangelyne for the first time. What an incredible sight! Amy likes to call her, Eva, for short, which means 'life'. We are reminded of the life that God gives us, but it's at a cost. A cost SO incredible that only His Son could give. His life, for us, on that old rugged Tree. We praise God for our life that we have in Him. We pray for this life that he gives us with Eva, and we pray that He calls her to Himself one day for the eternal life that we have in Christ.

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has sprung,
We are home,
The new journey has begun.

Mommy is doing well,
Evangelyne is so beautiful,
And Dad, well, he's swell.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 1

What a Gift, Blessing, and Joy!

After 14 hours of intense labour, Tim delivered our littlest member of our family. What a joy! What a blessing! What a gift!
We are truly amazed at this small one. This one, who the Triune Godhead created and formed to reflect Their image, is incredibly beautiful. It is one of the many joys the Lord has given us. Eva, for short, arrived in a tiny package covered with blood. It reminded us of the purchase and new life that God gives us through His Son, Jesus Christ. We spend time reading the Word to her and praying with her and for her. We pray for each other and for the future. We love looking at her and holding her and telling her that we love her. She is so precious.

Monday, March 8, 2010

She's Here!!!

Evangelyne Elizabeth was born to Tim and Amy Fanus on the 8th day of March of 2010 at 11:12 AM. She weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and measured 19.75 in. Mom and baby are enjoying one another and are doing superb, by God's grace. We are thankful for all the prayers and now join us in rejoicing for this special gift from our Lord.

It's a Girl!

Amy delivered at 11:12 AM! Praise the Lord, what a blessing!

Broken H2O

The water has been broken!


Amy's been admitted! The baby is looking like she'll arrive around noon'ish.

At the Birthing Inn

We are here!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Post Away

We've fixed the glitch! Anyone can post now. So, post away!

Thought it was the day...

Well, we thought she might have known it was her due date because contractions started last night around 930 and came every 6-7 min for 6 hrs!! We thought for sure this was the beginning of labor- it definitely was no longer just tightening by the end but painful contractions I needed to breathe through. I prayed, "Lord, we just need a few hours of sleep!" When Tim got home @ 330 am from work, we crawled in to bed and were able to get some sleep. This morning, the contractions were only coming occasionally. I am totally shocked! Thankful for the sleep, but also hoping those 6 hrs counted for something! :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Still Waiting

Today is the day!!! The due date day. However, we are still waiting to meet our newest, and cutest member of our family. Amy is still feeling great! So, we praise God for that. Please continue to pray for Amy's delivery, the health of our little girl, and for us, as we become parents for the first time.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Waiting on a miracle

It's such a crazy place to be in right now... just waiting on the miracle that is about to occur. We have been so amazed at what a gift and work of God pregnancy and childbirth are- it is He who opens and closes the womb. Every child is a gift from God! So, we wait for this life-changing event to occur as God allows us to be part of one of His beautiful miracles!!

TW's Blog

Tim has another blog site, so if you would like to visit it, please do so by going to this link: